LOVE #SummerTimeTV Trending #YouTube  International Subscribe to #SummerTimeTV and share the #Pride ‘Bristol thanks. See the full series on SummerTimeTV

Love Magic in February with Mal Norton and Jamie 5 years of magic tricks of the week from the Ocean City. Subscribe to our channels and share the videos thanks. Its zany magic with music by Kris Oxland FACEBOOK.

Find Mal Norton at Entertainer in Plymouth, England Address: 10-11 Southside St, Plymouth PL1 2LA Hours:  Open 24 hours Phone: 07968 984781 Chris Summerfield TV

Its the aggressive British press that causes a lot of the stresses across society in the UK setting people up against each other and creating hate to sell there trash?

#Operaguy in the Ocean City. 2020. FIND HIM ON FACEBOOK

LOVE #SummerTimeTV Trending International #YouTube. Friend my channel and share the videos thanks. It’s A Lifestyle Thing.

TikTok  Only formed in 2014 an app company from Shanghais joined and American app company to form the phenomenal TikTok It was classed as a security threat by Paranoid Donald Trum in America because of its Chinese connections. The fact is that new social media and a global family has changed politics and law for ever. Everything has to open up like never before.  Old rules have gone out of the window as will be proved very soon. We all have so called faults and deviate from each others. It would be a very boring World with no chance of progression if we did not. Weather in laws, politics or all other aspects of society in 2021 and  beyond. In the past miss information and twisting information was a way of keeping a population under control. Now its by confusing people to keep them under control which makes society very insecure and un stable?

t actually started life as three different apps. The first was an app called, which launched in Shanghai in 2014 but had strong US business links and a healthy audience in that key market. In 2016, Chinese tech giant ByteDance launched a similar service in China called Douyin.5 Aug 2020

Transgender Busker Aqua on LOVE #SummerTime TV Trending International #YouTube. Friend share subscribe thanks

Alice Carlisle Transsexual at 17 waiting for the operation. Truro Pride 2014. LOVE #SummerTimeTV Trending International YouTube Subscribe thanks.

An Air of Arrogance’s for. 7 Hundred and nearly 5o thousand pounds, at public expense in Plymouth. I was prevented from recording  Mr Gormly by the staff from the BOX in Plymouth . Anthoney Gormley. Look 2 Plymouth 2020## Antoney Gormley Statue West Hoe Plymouth LOOK II 22nd September 2020. #Love​ #SummerTime​ #TV

 Just who do these people think they are. We are all trying to make a living?

The Tumblr story. Tumblr is 16 years old in 2021

New Social media that has changed the World for ever. rTumblr is an American microblogging and social networking website founded by David Karp in 2007 and currently owned by Automattic. The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog. Users can follow other users’ blogs. Bloggers can also make theirContinue reading “The Tumblr story. Tumblr is 16 years old in 2021”

LOVE SummerTime TV Trending International Subscribers Covid lockdown Diary