Barcelona Spain Gay LGBTQIA+ Pride. 2015. Beautiful Pride Beautiful people

Barcelona Spain Gay LGBTQIA+ Pride. 2015. Beautiful Pride Beautiful people

Andy_John_Jones_Singer #Busking_in_London #Love_SummerTime_TV_Magazine_Worldwide is he #Tom_Jones es Son? Some people say that he is.

Andy_John_Jones_Singer #Busking_in_London #Love_SummerTime_TV_Magazine_Worldwide is he #Tom_Jones es Son? Some people say that he is

WNR Worlds Naked Cycle ride series Cardiff Cymrue 2023. Hu+Man Magazine Worldwide

New York
It was the third time that I had been to the open City of Cardiff in two years. Its one of the Most Culturally open Cities in the British isles and well worth a visit. The Naked rides are about the vulnerability of the Hum Man in public transport environments. In todays world it also about protecting the Planet. Thanks to the organizers of these Hilarius event. That questions censorship on nudity. When on one day a year you can get naked and cycle through a City. The public love it as they race to get pictures. Breaking up there drab day in a mundaying world that their in.

The World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) is an international clothing-optional bike ride in which participants plan, meet and ride together en masse on human-powered transport (the vast majority on bicycles, but some on skateboards and inline skates), to “deliver a vision of a cleaner, safer, body-positive world.” The first ride happened in Zaragoza (Spain) in 2001.[1]

The dress code motto is “bare as you dare