Sitges Spain Gay LGBTQIA+Pride 2016 Naked twinks on parade?

One of the biggest problems for mental health across the World that we live. Are double standards of behavior. Outdated laws that went out with the onset of the internet. A system that started with a Gay man Ian Turing. On a daily basis now, we are hearing about people in Politics and law thatContinue reading “Sitges Spain Gay LGBTQIA+Pride 2016 Naked twinks on parade?”

Check out the #Photo_book from @BlurbBooks: : #Barcelona_Spain #LGBTQIA+ #Gay_Pride 2015 Volume 9 of 12 #Chris_Summerfield #Celebrity #Trending #LOVE_SummerTime_TV_Magazine_Worldwide

#Photo_book from @BlurbBooks: : #Barcelona_Spain #LGBTQIA+ #Gay_Pride 2015 Volume 9 of 12 #Chris_Summerfield #Celebrity #Trending