Sab wears a onesi. Hu+Man Magazine. Worldwide. Fashion models own. The onesie

Hu+Man Keeping fit the Natural way. out doors

Keeping fit. Out doors the natural way. being Hu+Man at one with the World

Bodlines Gym Boxing club with Alf McGuinnes 2012

In 2012_13 I made a Bodylines Gym_documentary_vox_pop. At Bodylines gym recorded over 6 months. Thanks to everyone involved. The were the guys from Poland.

The Student Price. Male Nude as art. Hu+Man Magazine Worldwide. The Art of being who we are in the Universe. Unique

The Art of being who we are in the Universe. Unique. Paul had a six page spread in For Woman Magazine a few years ago. Thanks Paul

Ocean_City_Jazz_and_Blues_Festival 2019 #UK_Meltones 1 in the #Barbican. #LOVE_SummerTime_TV_Magazine_Worldwide.

The Face Iconic Magazine. It’s the Boundary pushing Magazine that others followed. Hu+Man Magazines. We are Unique in the Universe respect our Planet and us?

The Face is a British music, fashion, and culture monthly magazine originally published from 1980 to 2004, and relaunched in 2019. It was first launched in May 1980 in London by Nick Logan, the British journalist who had previously been editor of New Musical Express and Smash Hits. Wikipedia

Ben Male Model Photo shoot. The art of being Hu+Man. Unique in the Universe

Ben Male Modl Photo shoot. The art of being Hu+Man. Unique in the Universe

#Murdo_Mitchell_Music_London #10_Thousand_hits in 4 year. Whow. #Viral_Music #LOVE__SummerTime_TV_Magazine_Worldwide #Celebrity #Chris_Summerfield