Barcelona Spain Gay LGBTQIA+ Pride. 2015. Beautiful Pride Beautiful people

Barcelona Spain Gay LGBTQIA+ Pride. 2015. Beautiful Pride Beautiful people

Gay Paris France LGBTQIA+ Pride 2013 series. Join us. I thank you all

Pride in Paris is very expressive and well worth a visit. In 2024 it co insides with the World Olympics. British Gay Icon Diver Tom Daley will be competing in his 5th Olympics. He started competing at the sage of 13. When he was based in Plymouth England. Love Gay LGBTQA+ Pride TV Europe WorldWideContinue reading “Gay Paris France LGBTQIA+ Pride 2013 series. Join us. I thank you all”

Sitges Barcelona Spain in a photo book and video

Sitges Barcelona Spain in a photo book and video

Check out the #Photobook from @BlurbBooks: : #Barcelona_Spain_LGBTQIA+ #Gay_Pride 2015 Volume 6 of 12 #Chris_Summerfield #Celebrity #Trending #LOVE_SummerTime_TV_Magazine_Worldwide

#Photobook from @BlurbBooks: : #Barcelona_Spain_LGBTQIA+ #Gay_Pride 2015 Volume 6 of 12 #Chris_Summerfield #Celebrity #Trending

Six months at #Bodylines_Gym TV. Vox pop and a #weight_training and #boxing club gym 2012_13

Six months at #Bodylines_Gym TV. Vox pop and a #weight_training and #boxing club gym 2012_13

Body Beautiful Magazine USA 1936 . When Americas was pushing the Boundaries on admiring the Hu+Man Body as a work of art, in sport posses. In a healthy way. At the moment some Countries have gone backwards through blinkerds. hysteria. It is going a long way towards social break down. By breading hate and not love understanding and admiration? Its A Hu+Man Thing Unique in the Universe Respect who we are. Think healthy, be healthy?

Queens_Tribute_Band. #Good_Old_Fashioned_Lover Boys. #Its_A_Kind_of_ Magic . Newquay LGBTQIA+ #Pride 2019 #Hu_Man_Magazine_Wordwide

Queens_Tribute_Band. #Good_Old_Fashioned_Lover Boys. #Its_A_Kind_of_ Magic . Newquay LGBTQIA+ #Pride 2019 #Hu_Man_MagazineWordwide